Jual Beli Mobil dan Motor


Kami menyediakan fasilitas promosi bagi anda yang ingin membeli dan menjual motor anda. Pasang Iklan anda di situs kami dan kami berikan harga pasang iklan yang murah untuk anda.
Iklan Kodek Sasak Blogger " Tepat Menggapai sasaran"

iklan motor
Jual Beli Property


Anda ingin menjual atau membeli property seperti rumah, tanah, ruko. Disini tempat yang tepat untuk promosi anda. Kami berikan harga diskon apabila anda memasang iklan di situs kami ini

Jual Produk Tehnologi Anda?


Anda ingin menjual maupun membeli perangkat tehnologi seperti komputer, televisi, dan lain sebagainya. Disini tempat yang tepat bagi anda. Hanya Dengan Rp. 50.000,-/bln Iklan anda sudah bisa terpasang di sini

Mau Fokus di Adsense ? Klik disini aja! Mau Fokus di Adsense ? Klik disini aja!
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Friday, July 16, 2010

Adf.ly CPM Ads

I joined a shortened-link cpm ads program called adf.ly few weeks ago. It’s easily approved. And it’s not bad. What’s Adf.ly? adf.ly is an innovative service that allows you to earn money from each visitor to your shortened links. How this works is actually quite simple. First, you shorten your links with adf.ly site, and then you post them or send them to people as you usually would with any shortened link. Adf.ly handle the rest by showing an ad before the shortened link loads. Each ad that is shown earns you money!
 Adf.ly promises that you’ll earn more than $2.00 / 1000 visitors to your links. But wait. Conditions apply. The watering $2.00 CPM is if the traffic come from a particular country: North America. See the rate details.
Traffics from other countries not mentioned specifically in the list, you’ll earn $0.25 – $2.00 for interstitial and $0.06 – $0.22 for top banner ads.
Interstitial ads is higher in revenue than top banner ads. If you have a respected personal website or blog, however, I recommend you to use Top Banner Ads instead of interstitial one as the former is less intrusive.

Simple Tutorial to Join Adf.ly
  1. Visit Adf.ly
  2. Fill in the registration. See the sample below
    sample adf.ly registration form
  3. Click Submit (Don’t forget to check th “I agree the Terms & Conditions”.
  4. You’ll get a notice like this: We have sent an email to yourname@gmail.com, please click on the confirm link to activate your account within 3 days.
  5. Check your email, click the activation link to confirm.  Done.
  6. You’ll get a Welcome message of approval. Now, you may log-in using your credential (email and password) and start making money through shrinking link.
Affiliate Program
Once you are approved, you may join Adf.ly affiliate program. And you’ll get 20% of the earnings of your referral for life.

Special thank to Afatihsyuhud

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