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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

How to Make Your Blog Run Faster

Hi all, this is my free tips and trick for you all on how to making your website or blog loading faster. After a few months I notice there is a high time consuming on open my own blog, after analyze it I found out there is some optimization we can do to make out website or blog loading faster.

1. Keep your images file size as low as you can.

Making your images file size lower are great option to make your website/blog loading faster, You can do it by converting your images using 3rd tools you like (I used acdsee converting to 65% quality) This will help your website or blog loading faster because it will only take a small consume bandwidth, remember not all country in this world have standard internet connection that would help them if you lower your images quality to catch your images file size to help them load it faster.

Badly this will low your images quality, if you run wallpapers/photos website better keep it as high as you can.

2. Optimize your SQL query.

This is a hard to follow, please refer to your database documentation website and find out the way how you can optimize your database query. If you meet problem then you might rent some programmer out there to help your problem (Usually you have to pay).

3. Make sure there is no error/lost files.

This is happen to my blog last few months ago, I did notice it because usually I open this blog using firefox, after realize it using internet explorer I found some missing images and error on page. This is a little hard to follow, you have to analyze which code making your website or blog showing error, for my problem it was happened not because code error but from this “addthis plugins” after remove it and added the code manually this error gone :D

4. Choose the best hosting option.

Making sense, you have to choose the best hosting by category:

* Server Specification.
* Server Location.
* Server Limitation.

For VPS/Dedicated Server user no need to worry about server limitation, only choose the best location and the best specification.

5. Using the last software version (OPTIONAL).

We all know some free CMS usually have a new version, this is usually come with better management, more secure and bug fixed in the past. It’s really help a lot if we upgraded to the last software version anyway this is an optional.

6. Using cache system (OPTIONAL).

This is not really needed but if your CMS or website you created yourself have cache management better to use it, remember don’t cache your pages but better to cache your database only.

That’s all my tips to making your website or blog loading faster, comment on this article are appreciated

» tampilkan/sembunyikan

Source :
1. Istanto.net

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